

Xenharmonic Suite


Quiet on Set

Now Is Not the Time to Chitter Now Is the Time to Scuttle and Skitter

What Do You See?

kulupu mun

Release Description

The transition period between the Discovery Era & Introspective Era. Also the first album to use Spitfire's LABS. The second release to feature toki pona.

Track Descriptions

These track descriptions come from the YouTube release's track descriptions

Welcome Back!

Wanted to make a 7/8 song, and I ended up making a phenomenal chord progression. I thought it'd work as the first track.

Pushing My Buttons

This, if I remember correctly, started this EP. Upon getting the album Amnesiac by Radiohead, I started listening to it, and when it got to Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors, I thought it sounded really cool. I wanted to sample it so for a large portion of the composing process of this song had Pulk as one, but, I wanted to avoid copyright so I transcribed the drums and made my own loop.

[kalama ike tawa lawa sina] tu tu

I wanted to continue the [kalama ike tawa lawa sina] series back from my kalama nasa album.

Toggle / Transistor

To try and stir up my creativity, I tried making a chiptune track, and used, please don't judge me, Pico-8 Education Edition's tracker.


Funny joke song that samples an unused drumloop from my friend skidxml_.

299,792,459 m/s

I made this track with the theme of space in mind, and made one of my best drops ever.

kulupu mun

The last track I made for the EP. I sampled THanks from my first ever EP Branches and Temporally Ambiguous Song from this EP. It ended up sounding really pretty and I thought it'd work as the final track. This was heavily inspired by Aphex Twin.

Excuse Me Mister, but What the Bloody Hell is Going On Here

Directional Blur

Release Description

The release right after the behemoth that Vacant Tetrahedron was, and is the transition point between the Vacancy Era & the Discovery Era. It's also the first of my works where a fair chunk of the tracks have lyrics, as well as it being the first to have a track that flows into another. Directional Blur also has a direct reference to my first ever release, Branches, being the track Bells (Reprise).

Track Descriptions

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Made to be a opening track. Nothing else to it really.

I Love the Time, and When It Will Again

Based on a three-way polymetre (5:4:3), which ends up making a single measure 60 beats long. It also includes INTENTIONALLY autotuned vocals. I made a video that explains the structure visually.

Comically Hyped-Up Beat

I wanted to make something a bit grungy, and gritty. The song references an old tune called Russian Rose, composed by Sonny Miller & Hugh Charles.


First song I've made with lyrics where I actually do sing. In retrospect the lyrics really suck but at the moment I was feeling shit. On the bright side, the instrumental sounds really nice.

Isn't This Lo-Fi HipHop?

I found a piece by Brad Mehldau called Prelude, and I noticed that, at the beginning, the chords swap from minor to major every 2 measures. I liked this idea a lot and wrote my song. Close to the end of the song, I tried to make it sound like it cuts to a different song, that's the sudden switch to a different key.

Out the Window

Heavily inspired by Radiohead, the drumloop is based on Idioteque. It has the unnecessary use of the word "fuck" and samples NPR.

Bells (Reprise)

This song is the throwback to Branches mentioned in the release description. There's nothing too different from the original other than it being slightly rearranged and adding one new part.

Ich Bin [Who I Crave to Be]

If I don't really know what to do I usually make ambient tracks, that's what this is. It includes my voice, but not lyrics.


When I wrote this, I wanted it to feel nostalgic and melancholic, like looking out into a sunset from the balcony of several story high apartment with no one else really there.

Vacant Tetrahedron

MIDI Counterpoint


Mistakes & Errors

kalama nasa

a pj



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