These are summaries of movies I watched and what I like about them.
The Protagonist (T.P.) goes undercover as a CIA operative to save a man from the siege of an Opera. In doing so he ends up getting captured. When in captivity he attempts to kill himself with a suicide pill, but the pill turns out to be a fake. T.P. wakes up on a boat on which he is told about an organisation, Tenet, and gets introduced to the concept of inversion, which effectively makes things move through time in reverse. T.P. soon is paired with Neil, another play-piece in Tenet. The two, and the rest of Tenet, work together to prevent the potential annihilation of Earth.
Genuinely one of my most favourite movies ever, and one of the very few movies that demonstrate time travel and not just time teleportation. The fact that Chris Nolan even managed to map out the movie is seriously impressive, and I kept consuming media regarding it well after watching it. This video and this video have pretty comprehensive explanations of the movie and I would recommend watching them.