Welcome to the MagentaFlavouredWebsite, my personal neocities site that will contain stuff regarding me and my interests.
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My names are Amy, or Finnegan. I was born assigned male at birth, later transitioned and was agender, and since then have transitioned to be genderfluid. I do prefer if you are talking about me, when I was a boy or agender, to use the pronouns I would've at that time.
Music has been something I've been deeply connected to since before I was born. I, now, make my own music and it's a passionate hobby of mine. I am fine listening to any type of music but there are a few specific artists/music groups that I particularly enjoy Radiohead, Aphex Twin and Sungazer. I also enjoy live ensemble music (think orchestra, or concert band) but am typically drawn away from what is usually thought of as classical, and am more drawn towards avant-garde and minimalism.
I've also endulged myself in language. I've tried learning Spanish a handful of times and those haven't worked out, I started trying to learn German through Duolingo and that, too, has slowed down significantly as of late (October 13th, 2024). But conlangs have fascinated me quite a lot, and one in particular I've actually taken the time to learn. toki pona is a conlang designed to convey thoughts in a somewhat compact manner, only having around 130 words with the community adding more with variable degrees of usage. I stumbled upon it maybe once before I actually got into it, but after I did, it really got me. I'd like to think I am proficient but I'm still learning stuff now.
o kama pona tawa tomo ni. ni li tomo mi li jo e sona mi